VERTAGEAR + DigitalChaos = Happy Dota butts
Who knew Dota 2 could be so comfortable to play?
Los Angeles, California, Nov 11, 2016 – Let’s get one thing straight: we’re okay at playing games. We’re not that good. We’ll probably accidentally team kill or cause our friends to yell expletives. But we know backs and butts. We know what makes your behind feel good, and we know how to make sure it stays feeling good after hours--or days in some cases--of game playing.
This is why Vertagear is proud to announce that we’ll be keeping the cushy bottoms of team DigitalChaos well supported, all the way to the top. DigitalChaos will be playing and practicing on Vertagear’s adaptable butt support platform--also known as a damn good chair.

It couldn’t have been a better synergy between two dynamic teams. On one hand, DigitalChaos is a rising star, quickly making its way through the ranks in Dota 2, proving that wit and skill are what it takes to get noticed. On the other hand, Vertagear gets noticed when you put your butt down on one of our thrones for the first time and realize you don’t want to get up. As DigitalChaos maneuvers through the tournaments and ladders, Vertagear will be there for the team, ensuring that their leg and back muscles don’t spaz out during intense finger and thumb coordination. Yes, in the world of eSports, it’s not the shoe or sock that makes or breaks your game, it’s what you put your ass on--the mouse and keyboard are important too.
Like DigitalChaos, Vertagear is made of a small intense and skillful team. That’s why we believe in supporting the game from a grassroots standpoint, where it matters most. Like DigitalChaos, Vertagear was formed from a collective of like-minded individuals who all bring a specialty to the mix. Seasoned industrial engineers, experts in physiology and posture, designers with an eye for style and a mind for purposefulness, and several actual gamers. We sit in our own products day in, and day out.
About Vertagear
Vertagear is a company built around the science of sitting, for gamers. We make chairs as tools. Our products work great as everyday chairs and office chairs, so they’ll work great for gamers too. They’re chairs made for hard-playing gamers. Applying user experience helps us to design very comfortable, good looking, and practical products. When designing products, we’re not being held back by the standard description of “what is”, but “what should be.”
About DigitalChaos
DigitalChaos is an internationally recognized pro-gaming team currently dedicated to Dota 2. The team is made up of seasoned players throughout the world, who have honed their skills and come together. Founded by Shannon ‘SUNSfan’ Scotten, DigitalChaos puts its players and the game first, with its sights squarely focused on bringing excitement to the fans, and the game.